Monday, December 6, 2010

Christmas in the Langbinsi Zone

Whenever time allows we have been collecting and putting together Christmas gifts for the Seed Ministry Bible Club leaders and their helpers. We have also been putting together gifts for every one of the over 6,000 children registered in the Bible Clubs. The gifts would seem very small to some but for the children that have very little to begin with it is probably the best gift they will receive this year. Their gift consists of a pencil, a few crayons, a few sheets of coloring paper, a small notebook, one piece of candy, a bookmark with a Bible verse, and a small toy(usually a McDonalds toy donated by someone from the states). We were able to hand out a few of these gifts to the children's club leaders. The club leaders will hand them out for Christmas. They love the kids in their clubs and this will give them something tangible for the children.
These are the items in the gift bags for the club leaders and helpers; Ten Christian books, five items of clothing, a box of chalk, packets of milk powder, a box of tea and two cups of sugar. The Leaders also were given a gift bag for their club. It had enough candy to give every child in their club two pieces, a soccer ball (which is a very big deal!), and a bag of over the counter medicine. Having a little peroxide around 50 barefoot soccer players is always a good thing.
These gifts are given by Seed Ministry, which exist because you give to Seed Ministry. Thank you.

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