Sunday, August 14, 2011

Church Building Dedication!

What a wonderful Sunday morning we have had as all of us headed to a church building dedication. The church was the 32nd church that the Lord has allowed Seed Ministry to build thanks to designated funds by either individuals, families or churches all in the U.S.

Many people attended today. Reverends, Pastors, traditional community leaders came to the church. Most of the people were moved by what God has done for this church. Many of us had tears as we remembered Simeon, one of the church founders, and a Seed Ministry past employee, who died a few years ago at a young age. We all agreed that he would not want to come back because we know he is in heaven praising our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

It always amazes Joy and I as we see what God has done through Seed Ministry. Through every person in the U.S. who prays and gives, much has been harvested for His kingdom. Many Ghanaian pastors spoke today about the impact that the Seed Ministry Bible Clubs have had on the children. How, many children, being tempted by the false teachings of the world, heard about Jesus and have chosen to live according to His standard and not the evil one. What a praise to hear each testimony!

1 comment:

  1. This is so exciting! What a great testimony to the Lord's work through you guys. May you all be blessed - Steve, Donna, Amy and Leigh
