Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Welcome Southfork Team!

We want to welcome the Southfork Team from Kentucky! They arrived in Tamale yesterday morning. As soon as they arrived they went straight to work putting together gifts for the Bible Club children. They finished around 2,000 gifts!

Today the team went out to three schools. Some of them shared the message of Jesus through puppetry, some through storytelling, and some through song. What a creative and talented bunch they are!

Pray for the Southfork team as they travel around the Northern Region of Ghana. Pray that many lives would be touched through the Gospel.

Pictures: Phoebe shares with a group of women who gathered at a school, Cynthia shares with a class of school children, Suzanne shares a book with the Seedling school children, Michelle and Allen share puppets with the children.

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