Monday, February 20, 2012

'Connecting' at Gushiegu

While in the Gushiegu area we saw many Bible Clubs. The gifts we were giving were toys to the boys and pillowcase dresses for the girls. Some generous team brought some small Connect Four games (the box says BINGO but they are actually Connect Four). We knew when we gave out those 100 Connect Four games we would have to explain the rules, so we saved those for the last clubs visited. At one club we gave 25 away and explained to the Club Leader the directions for the game. It took some time, but he seemed to understand. On the way to the next village Toby said, "Let's just give out the balloon whistles instead of handing out the game." Little did he know what was in store :) Emmanuel parked the bus and we saw the children gathered under a thatched shelter. Wouldn't you know that under that shelter was a old large Connect Four game that the village men were playing! It was so funny! We said, "Ok Lord! We know where you want these games to go!" There were around 70 boys there. Just enough for those games that we had left. Toby and Emmanuel asked the children if they knew how to play that game. All the boys said, "Yes! We play with it all the time." The boys were so excited when they realized that they were getting Connect Four games! The game that is in the picture with Caleb is the old game that the villagers were playing when we arrived. They lost the stands to the game a long time ago so the people hold it or stick it between two pieces of wood. How amazing! Joy was still laughing about the game when we took the picture with the girls and their pretty dresses and the boys with their games!

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