We had our first Seed Ministry Area Coordinator Training Conference. Everyone arrived on Friday by 5:00 for dinner. Then we met to hear reports from each area. It was exciting to listen to the testimonies about some of the different clubs. They talked about how the churches with the clubs are getting stronger and brought a word of thanks from the pastors.
(Picture: The coordinators having a small devotion before breakfast)
Then they had a full day on Saturday. After breakfast Toby began the teaching time, seven hours throughout the day. Thomas also did a summary of the Foundation Training that all club leaders and helpers have to go through. As it is now Thomas goes to each area (or the participants come here) for the teaching. Soon each of the Coordinators will be presenting the training in their own areas.
There were round table discussions on what could be improved, what worked well, (what flopped) and brainstorming sessions. There was also time for questions and answers
Each meal was begun with a short devotion, so we could hear what was on the heart of each coordinator.
It was a productive time and it was a great time of fellowship; that is always a great combination. Matthew described it this way, "motors need refuel, stomachs need refuel, we came and you gave us a refuel." It was the same for us here also. Please keep in mind these five guys as they are on the Ghana roads doing the work.
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